Sunday, 16 April 2017

Smashed Avocado And Peanut Butter

This right here is my favourite avocado toast (or giant crumpet as is the case in the photo) topping. Don't get me wrong, I like my avo toast in all sorts of varieties but this is the one I make and enjoy the most. So much so that it definitely deserves a mention so it can be enjoyed by all!
I prefer to use a good quality (100% peanuts) crunchy peanut butter but go with whatever your favourite is! Use this combination to top whatever you fancy, toast, rye toast, crumpets or anything else you can think off, I've tried them all and they're all good!

Smashed avocado and peanut butter

bready goods of choice

For the smashed avo:
1 good sized avocado
2-3 cloves of garlic
3 spring onions
pinch of chilli flakes
juice of half a lime
salt and pepper to taste

Other toppings:
peanut butter
soy sauce

Set your bread (or whatever) off toasting.

Whilst that's toasting away scoop your avocado out of its skin and into a bowl, give it a good mash with a fork, I like to try and keep it a bit chunky but mash it totally smooth if that's your preference.

Finely dice the garlic and spring onions and add to the avocado along with the salt, pepper, chilli flakes and lime juice and mix to combine.

Once your toast is done spread on some peanut butter, however much you like, then a generous dollop of the avocado mixture.

Throw on some peanuts (with or without skins, you can blanch the peanuts in boiling water for 60 seconds or so to remove the skins if you prefer) and drizzle with soy sauce and you're good to go.


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